Summer Oboe Opportunities 2015

Summer 2015 Oboe Opportunities
To get your camp or one you're aware of added to the list, please contact me!


  1. Central Michigan Band Camp: Mount Pleasant, Michigan: June 21-26, 2015
    $275 for commuters; $425 for residential campers; $25 Reed Making fee for oboists
    Registration open until filled
    Faculty: Linda Binkley 
  2. Michigan State University Middle School Band Camp: East Lancing, Michigan:-June 13-17, 2015
    cost: $215 (day camp only)
    registration open until filled
  3. Interlochen High School Oboe Institute: Interlochen, Michigan: June 20-26th, 2015$1,115
    applications closed for 2015, watch for next year
    Faculty: Linda Strommen, Jaren Atherholt, Dan Stolper
  4. Interlochen Middle School Winds: Interlochen, Michigan: June 27-July 18, 2015 -or- July 19- August 10, 2015
    registration: open until filled
  5. Livonia Symphony Orchestra Summer Music Camp: Livonia, Michigan: July 13-17, 2015 (High School Only)
    registration deadline extended to MAY 21

  1. Ohio State High School Double Reed Camp: Columbus, Ohio: June 28-July, 2015cost: $450Registration deadline: May 29th
    Faculty: Karen Pierson, bassoon, and Robert Sorton, oboe

  2. Bocal Majority & Operation O.B.O.E.: Oxford, Ohio:  June 23-27, 2015cost: $325 for commuters $595 for residential campersRegistration Deadline: Free registration until May 16; $25-50 added to registration fee for late registrationFaculty Andrea Ridilla, professor of oboe at Miami University(Here students get to play in ensembles, learn reed making, get coaching, and do oboe ALL day. I worked at these camps back in 2011 and they were fantastic. I also used to make reeds for this company, I love the entire staff!) Website